Health & Life Insurance

Insurance planning is all about protecting the most important things in your life. A suitable Insurance policy can protect your lifestyle, income, assets, family & financial goals should an illness or death cause an unexpected change to your life plan.

At deVere New Zealand an adviser will work with you to implement a tailored plan that appropriately meets your needs. We work with New Zealand’s largest and proven insurers, meaning you will be in safe hands and you will be fully supported through making a claim by our team, led by your personal adviser.

There are many different ways to arrange insurance cover and many different factors to consider. Our experienced financial advisers will guide you through your options to help you find the most appropriate solution for your family and budget. Most importantly, you will understand what you’re insured and paying for, and what you can claim for.  

We appreciate how busy life is, and no matter where you live we are able to remotely engage with you at a time that suits.

Life Insurance

  • Do you have a plan to take care of your dependents should something happen to you? 
  • Would your family achieve their financial goals if you couldn’t contribute towards them any longer?

Life Insurance gives you the comfort of knowing that the most important things in your life, your family and loved ones, will be provided for should you or your partner die. Life insurance is a lump-sum payment, to your estate or nominated beneficiaries upon the insured's death. 

Income protection

  • If you face an illness or injury that stops you from working, would you still be able to make your mortgage repayments, pay the bills, or cover any expenses that others are depending on you for? 
  • How would you make ends meet if you couldn't work for a long period of time?

Income protection insurance pays you a regular monthly sum, based on your income if you are unable to work because of accident or illness, which covers your ongoing financial commitments like household bills and mortgage or rent payments until you recover or retire.

Critical illness cover

  • If you were suddenly diagnosed with a critical illness, such as cancer, a stroke or a heart attack, would you need your family to support you financially? 

Critical illness cover gives you financial security and will protect you when you are diagnosed with a serious illness, without adding a burden to your loved ones. A one-off lump-sum payment can provide relief and could be used to cover the cost of medical treatment, rehabilitation costs, or to pay household bills at a time when you are most vulnerable. 

If you would like financial advice, please talk to one of our Advisers, who are always happy to help: +64 9 489 6380

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